Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stop pounding them back to lose a few pounds!

One of the first questions I get from a friend that wants to lose weight is "Do I have to give up alcohol". Not to say that my friends hang out in the back alley of The Seven Seas bar on a regular basis (well, some actually, yes...), but they do like to relax with one or two or a few serious libations on the regular.

My usual answer is YES! and no. Then I quickly follow it up with: Alcohol consumption should definitely be in your overall weight control plan, because just reducing your normal alcohol intake will help you shed a good amount of pounds from the get-go.

Think about it; let's say you share 2 bottles of wine on Saturday (1 glass of wine = 127 calories) with your significant other and then have two beers (1 average beer = 145 calories) on Sunday while watching the game; total it all up, and you would have consumed approximately 800 calories! That's definitely a lot when you're watching what you eat and sweating your bum off at the gym.

My advice usually goes something like this: (1) stick to wine, one to two glasses a week (not one to two bottles); or (2) if you must drink alcohol try adding water or selzer (no calories) with a lime to your rum/vodka/whisky, and again only 1-2 servings a week; and last but not least, NO BEER.

I say NO BEER,  because it's usually the easiest of all the drinks to grab one after the other without a second thought. It is NOT because of the "beer belly" stigma that it carries, especially with males. Beer bellies occur from excessive intake of total calories (beer plus the munchies), and because men also happen to carry excess weight in their midsection.

So, in conclusion, try those easy tips for at least a month to see results and/or until you feel comfortable enough to enjoy your poison of choice in moderation. Stop pounding them back to lose those initial pounds quickly, and your liver will start LIVER DANCING with joy!